Next-generation leaders and how an organization should be.

Yoshihiko Takubo, Managing Director of GLOBIS Graduate School of Management, and Taihei Noda of JBIG discussed the theme of "Sustainable Management and the Next Generation of Leaders and Organizations."

GLOBIS Graduate School of Management Dean of the Graduate School of Management
Managing Director, Globis School of Management
Ltd.P.G.C.D. JAPAN Outside Director

Yoshihiko Takubo

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, completed the Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Bachelor (Engineering), Master (Engineering), Doctor (Academic). Completed Swiss IMD PED course. After working at Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., he conducted planning, operation, and research at the GLOBIS Management School and GLOBIS Management School, and also taught leadership development and thinking subjects at the GLOBIS Management School and corporate training. He also serves as Executive Secretary of the Keizai Doyukai, Deputy Chairman of the Keizai Doyukai and Regulatory System Reform Committee (FY2019), Outside Director of venture companies, and advisor.

Representative Director and CEO of JBI GROUP Inc. (JBIG)

Taihei Noda

Born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1979. In 2010P.G.C.D. JAPAN is established. Develop and sell skin care and scalp care products to increase the number of people who change their age into beauty. In 2019, JBI GROUP, a holding company, was established. Under the corporate philosophy "Pay forward", we will create sustainable products and businesses with the mission of "increase the number of people who make the world happy" and contribute to society and the future.

What is needed to build a “learning organization”?

Management learning is essential

Taihei Noda (hereinafter Noda) I met Mr. Takubo in 2010.This year is just 10 years.Mr. Takubo was the first class teacher when I studied at the Globis School of Management, but it's been a relationship since then.

Yoshihiko Takubo (hereinafter, Takubo) You have been committed for two years as an undergraduate student, and you have taken many classes that I serve (laughs).

(I.e. I felt that learning from the same teacher would allow me to pursue the theme of learning deeply, so I chose the class that Mr. Takubo had.Then, when I graduated, I made a direct decision to ask him to become an advisor, and in the process I asked him to become an outside director.You have to keep learning even after graduating, and you thought you shouldn't finish learning as it is.

Takubo I think Mr. Noda has a mysterious charm.For example, morbidly love a product, or morbidly love a customer.Even from the perspective of many entrepreneurs, the edge is quite effective, so it's interesting, so people will gather.

(I.e. Perhaps Globis graduates are hiring Globis graduates to compete for first or second place, and I think they are doing business with the people involved in Globis.In that sense, it may be a graduate who manages by making the most effective use of the network of people, things, and wisdom, which is the theme of Globis (laughs).

Takubo There are only three or four things that are important in doing business.The "concept" of what you want to do, the "skills" to do it, the "gathering friends" to do it together, and the "time" as the base.

(I.e. I agree.I have learned a lot from both Globis and Mr. Takubo.Before we start the conversation today, let me share the relationship between "work and learning" as a premise.Do you know Mr. Takubo "Wring"?

Takubo I haven't heard much about it.

(I.e. Wring is a way of expressing a person's thought patterns, so that when we talk, we know what we are assuming from each other.For example, I will use two rings to show the balance between two things, A and B.



Takubo So that's it.People inevitably proceed with their own bias, so if they can't share the premise, they won't engage.

(I.e. That's right.If A were "learning" and B was "work", what would Mr. Takubo look like?

Takubo In my case, it's in the circle of A (learning), in the circle of B (work), and in the mindset, A and B are in one circle.

(I.e. I also have a pattern with B in A, which means that there is work in learning.For me, work and learning are inseparable, and I even think that learning must become a habit.In other words, because I have this premise, I also tell the members that "learning is important." I hear people ask, "What is it for?", But all I learn is for myself.Nevertheless, I think it's dangerous to be in a waiting position, such as "I can't tell you at the company" or "I want you to tell me XX".

Takubo As you say.It's called six pockets, but especially young people in recent years are raised with a set-up set, due to the impact of the declining birthrate, and even when they enter the company, they are often taught by taking steps.The middle managers who raise them are often afraid of being called "harassment" and say nothing, so they do everything.I sometimes feel that the world is only moving in the direction of spoiling.

(I.e. I don't think the company can let go of the motivation to learn just because it depends on the person's mindset.The other day, when I did Drucker training in-house, everyone said, "It was fun!"Even if there are people who have taken the shutter down to learn, I think it is important to first experience the joy of learning as an organization so that knowing it will make your vessel bigger.

Takubo Hiroshi Tasaka, an advisor to Globis (currently an emeritus professor at Tama University Graduate School), said, "It's easy to create a Learning Organization, that is, an organization to learn."After all, the organization is made up of pyramids, so management and executives should desperately learn.When the top is learning, the manager also learns, and the section chief who sees it also begins to learn impatiently.Even in a small organization, people will follow if the top learns.Conversely, an organization of unlearned managers will sooner or later come to an end.

(I.e. That's why I think business owners have to keep learning for the rest of their lives.The company is no more than the manager, and the manager who stopped learning is only declining.Such a company cannot survive.Management has a responsibility to keep learning.If you lose the desire to learn, you should step down from that role.

Takubo However, there are some things to be aware of when building a Learning Organization. In JBIG, some people may wonder, "Mr. Noda is the president and special, so what will we learn?"In other words, there is a possibility that the management team and the second and third employees will be separated.That is why it is effective to introduce a place of learning into the organization as training.At first, some people may be repulsed by being forced, but as they work on it, the goodness of learning becomes apparent.I think it is better for the company to create an opportunity to motivate students to learn.

What can managers do to produce a large number of leaders?

It is important to create a soil that recognizes and draws on the weak and strong points

(I.e. In addition to learning, I think it is important for each member to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses, develop their strengths, and make the most of them.I myself am aware of my dents, and I am working to fill them with organizations and mechanisms.

Takubo As you said, the division of roles is important.For example, Mr. Noda is good at talking about his vision and creating businesses, so he should sharpen it.By that amount, if you leave the operations that you are not good at to someone who is good at it, you can complement it as an organization.What is important in management is exactly "Will", "Skill" and "Network".Ideally, Mr. Noda should train his skills to create a vision and pull the missing parts through the network.

(I.e. This time, I made it to Holdings because I want to increase the number of leaders.I don't think I'll be the only leader all the time, and when I'm doing other business, such as overseas expansion, I have to physically concentrate on that.After all, everyone has to pull as a leader.But when I say "become a leader," many people say, "No, I am."That's why I've been paraphrasing "let's increase the number of turns" these days. When I say "I want you to take responsibility" and "because it's a role", it makes me feel pressured, but when I think "it's my turn", I feel that I will personalize and work on it.

Takubo "Leader" is just the name of a position, but "leadership" is a skill that everyone should demonstrate.I think the most straightforward way to observe leadership is in the sandbox of a kindergarten.On that day, at that moment, the child who wanted to make a big mountain demonstrates leadership there. Give instructions to other children, such as "bring water" or "dig a hole here".But there is no position, and the next day another child may take leadership.That was exactly what he and she were at that moment. It would be great if we could become an organization where "daily leadership" can be utilized.

(I.e. I'm sure that the turn is what he is good at.I also do 1on1 with the members of the head team, and when I listen to the situation of each business division, I get a lot of stories about the subordinates who support them.I feel that there are still many members waiting for their turn.

Takubo It would be great if the company could create many opportunities to demonstrate what it is good at, such as finding the right person in the right place, or finding out the strengths of each member and providing learning to strengthen them.Once you know your strengths, you will start learning voluntarily, such as what you should learn to improve your abilities and whether you can use your strengths to add value.In that case, a sense of ownership arises, saying, "I have to do my best here."

(I.e. Really so.Currently, we are conducting in-house Drucker training for all members as a basis, but on the other hand, it is difficult for the company to provide local learning such as skills and knowledge that make use of each strength.Therefore, it is desirable for the members to go get what they want to learn and do.

Takubo I think that the motivation and skills for learning are like an OS and an application. The mindset of "I want to learn and grow" is the OS.Specific skills such as programming, design, and accounting are apps.At the hiring stage, if you hire someone with a solid OS or raise them properly in the company, all you have to do is decide which app to install. Even though I don't have an OS, I say "get XX qualification", so I have no choice but to study.I think it will be necessary for future managers to create an environment where employees can realize that learning leads to their own growth.

(I.e. The biggest thing that I noticed from Mr. Takubo was "love for my friends."Our organizational culture, "Three Loves," advocates "love for products," "love for customers," and "love for friends." At the start of the business, I was interested in products and customers. I just turned my eyes and had little love for my friends.Having pointed out that, my way of thinking changed.P.G.C.D. The business can be managed only because there are people who have gathered and support us in JAPAN. I need to make "love for my friends" even better. Therefore, I started 1on1 and dialogue with members, study sessions, and implemented organizational reform. Recently, I also learned and felt that everyone was telling me what was going to change.

Management's only job is to create an organizational culture

Takubo What I always think is that the rate of change is more important than the absolute value in evaluation.For example, the absolute value of 10 points in the first half of the assessment and 10 points in the second half has not changed.On the other hand, if the number of people with 4 points in the first half is 8 points in the second half, it is doubled.It is very important to look at these changes and their ability to change.Because the skills I have acquired to date will be obsolete tomorrow.I think the key is how to keep the sponge-like state that continues to absorb what you have learned.Personally, I think that salaries should be paid for results, but if change is important, it is best to incorporate individual rate of change into the evaluation system.

(I.e. Right now, I'm looking at the results of the salary increase at that time, but I'm focusing on the rate of change when it comes to promotion.

However, we do not disclose that, and it is not an environment where everyone can act with awareness of the rate of change, so we need to make it more visible.

Takubo I also wish I could set up such a system in my company.

(I.e. Also, I learned a lot recently.I'm sure it's a different way of thinking, but the way of thinking about "waiting" has changed.I used to think that "do nothing = wait", and I was afraid to wait.But while I was waiting, I realized that I should do what I should do.For what is important in the future, I thought that I should wait for the time when I am making interesting and wonderful stairs so that small successes as an organization will increase, what I can not do suddenly.

Takubo Old Japanese people say good things. "Hurry up and go around".

(I.e. I agree.Recently, I started to like Isoroku Yamamoto. I thought it was impossible for me to say, "Do it all."But while saying, "Do it all," the person should do something important to him in the meantime.It really depends on your point of view and way of thinking.

Takubo I love EH Shine's words, "The only job of a leader is to create culture."For example, it is a culture that all employees truly think "Let's improve business performance," "Let's grow," and "Let's learn from each other."I think that the culture of "learning" that Mr. Noda is trying to create is permeating the organization.I think it's okay as long as everyone feels such a change in Mr. Noda.

(I.e. When I work in another business such as overseas business, I think that there are many parts where I do not notice the changes in the organization.That is why it is necessary for the current members to become leaders. I hope it will be "we want to do this" instead of "because the representative said".In the meantime, I don't want to wait without doing anything, I want to wait while doing what I can do now.And once the organization grows, I think we should be able to accelerate from there at once.

Executives are always excited


Takubo When I talked with Mr. Tasaka (GLOBIS adviser Hiroshi Tasaka) about "what is management", he said "fighting conflict" and "continuous self-loathing".As a top management, I have to set a vision, set a strategy, and do something about it, but XNUMX% of the management issues are people's problems after all.

(I.e. indeed.

Takubo However, fighting self-hatred is the essence of management, and as you repeat self-hatred, you grow up as a person.If you don't like that, you can't manage it.So, the more I try to challenge big things, the more I think I will probably continue to fight against self-loathing.It is fate that Mr. Noda is worried about various things soundly.

(I.e. Never give up thinking.It's a series of things.

Takubo Under such circumstances, what kind of time is Mr. Noda having fun?

(I.e. It's always fun.There are no times when it's not fun.Failure or spiciness doesn't mean it's not fun.It's fun but painful.But I think that is my mission and my ambition.

Takubo It may be a different feeling from ordinary fun. The book "Ichiro Interview" says that baseball was fun until high school, so in short, you're a fan.However, if you carry a lot of things on your back, you can't play baseball like you used to.However, because you are doing something like training, you will be able to create something like mental satisfaction when you achieve it.

The same is true for entrepreneurship.In the case of student entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship can be started at the same time as graduation, but when you carry on various things in the life of employees and families, you have to enjoy it differently from your fans. I can't keep going.

(I.e. There are parts where the quality of enjoyment has changed.

Takubo I think that's what it is.For example, I think everyone likes the word "exciting".I feel that the general excitement is to go to USJ, go to Disneyland, etc., but I think that there is no one who does corporate revitalization if the excitement of the manager is that feeling. ..

(I.e. But it is certainly so.It's like what to do with debt.

Takubo Yeah.However, I think Mr. Noda is also the same, but I think that the excitement and fun of the managers and top management is in a state of adrenaline.I'm sure there are people who get adrenaline when they look at companies in the regeneration phase, and I think there are people who get adrenaline when making ichi from zero base.But that feeling isn't as exciting as USJ or Disneyland.In that sense, I think that top management and entrepreneurs always have adrenaline.

(I.e. I agree.In that sense, management is always excited.Even when you're nervous or in a difficult situation, it's not that it's not fun.With the source and base of what to do, it can be difficult, hard-working, and troublesome, and I don't think it's a pain to have someone who can't do it.It is important to enjoy that state as well.You have your own role in that situation, and finding something for yourself can make someone happy and produce results.

That's why JBIG wants to create opportunities for everyone to be excited and to have a successful experience, even if it's small, in the phase of creating and growing conditions for human growth. Under such circumstances, I want to wait "actively" while enjoying the growth of the organization and people.