Beauty Management Book 03 VISION

Japan Beauty Innovation P.G.C.D.

Japan's representative Taihei Noda travels through the roots of the brand “Beauty Management Book”.P.G.C.D. It is a record of the trip around the "place", "moment" and "encounter" that formed Japan.
The theme of the third issue isP.G.C.D. "Japan Beauty Innovation" advocated by JAPAN.
Unravel the thoughts contained in the phrase [Japonis me is the pride of Japan] [WABI-SABI is the last Beauty] [Simple is Innovation]. What kind of feelings do we have, what kind of challenges will we face, and what challenges will we face? I hope you will feel the same unchanging feeling that we will take a big new step in 2020.

The beauty that Japan has cultivated for many years is "pride." Evolution across borders.


Claude Monet, a painter who represents Impressionism. The house in Giverny where he spent his last years is open to the public. What surprised me the most when I visited the place where the water lily pond, which was a model of one of the masterpieces, "Water lily", spreads out was that all over the house was filled with Ukiyo-e.

As represented by Monet, Japanese culture had a great influence on Western culture. What's more, it's not just a boom, it has had an impact over the decades and will play a part in the flow of Art Nouveau. Certainly, when Japanese paintings were first shown at the 1878 Paris World Expo, many people would have jumped into a new and different culture. However, the term "Japonism" continues to be established in France even after that, because it has a great influence on various aspects such as composition, spatial expression, and color. It can be seen that some of Monet's works are clearly influenced by the composition of Utagawa Hiroshige's prints. Vincent Van Gogh's bold color scheme is also said to be an influence of Japonism. If there was no Japonism, Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Lautrec might have had a completely different style.

The influence is not limited to the world of painting.The design of the famous German kiln "Meissen" and the royal blue of the prestigious Danish ceramics workshop "Royal Copenhagen" are influenced by Japanese Imari ware.Japanese culture is still alive in Western culture.There is nothing like this.We also want to send out "beauty" that moves the hearts of people around the world, just like Japonisme used to be.

There is delicacy at the simple end. There is depth in a quiet place.


"One flower resembles a hundred flowers." "Small, simple tea house has an infinite size and endless beauty."

 These are the words that Yasunari Kawabata said in a commemorative lecture titled "Beautiful Japan" when he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. As it is said here, the Japanese have the sensibility of feeling beauty in intangible things, and finding richness in simple things, which forms the beauty unique to Japanese people. "Wakuraku" symbolizes this unique sense of beauty.

"Wai" has turned from lonely and sad, but has come to be used to mean simple appearance, simpleness and modesty, and even astringent elegance.On the other hand, "loneliness" is a superficial expression of decaying, such as being lonely.These two words are paired and express the heart to find beauty in something simple and something that makes you feel the passage of time.Feeling the emotion of the falling cherry blossoms and mossy stones, he finds new value in seemingly nothing vessels, and thinks of the transition when the used tools bring out.This leads to Wabi-cha, which embodies the idea of ​​"Zen".

 “WABI-SABI is the last beauty” Wabi-sabi is the ultimate beauty pursued by the Japanese, and weP.G.C.D.It is also the essence of the beauty that is sought after.

"Subtraction aesthetics" will change the world's values.


Greatest common divisor in French “P.G.C.D.(Plus grand commun diviseur) ”. The reason why we chose this word for the brand name is that we felt something in common with the“ aesthetics of subtraction ”that has been passed down from ancient times in Japanese culture.For example, Japanese food.In contrast to the "addition" culture in which the West adds plenty of sauce to the ingredients, Japanese cuisine is a "subtraction" recipe that uses seasonings to bring out the ingredients themselves.It can be said that Rikyu's enhanced "Wabi-cha" also symbolizes the aesthetics of subtraction.The same applies to "Karesansui," which depicts the natural world of water and mountains in a stone garden that has been scraped to the limit.

 There was a time when this idea was considered to be old in Japan. It was an era when things were considered rich. However, the age of satiety has come to an end, and the aesthetics of this subtraction have been reviewed worldwide. It is not limited to just design, it is spreading to lifestyles and is undergoing a transformation that overturns the values ​​of people around the world. It was as if Japanese culture had crossed the sea and had a great impact on Western culture under the name Japonism. Japanese food used to be said to be “barbaric to eat raw fish,” but sushi and sashimi are now enjoyed as healthy food. In addition, the books on "Separation" and "Clearing" written by Japanese women have been translated around the world.

 “Simple is innovation” We want to provide the value of the greatest common divisor that we really need through “the aesthetics of subtraction”.

The condensed power. A sharpened shape.


Rikyu scraped away the most ornamental items to the utmost, and completed a world of once-in-a-lifetime in a tea room with only two tatami mats. It is no exaggeration to say that it has changed the sense of values ​​that had been competing for dignity. We believe that such simplicity has the power to change the world. That's why the design and the method are simple.

<Simple design>

When developing the bottle of "Rosion Eclat", we aimed to create a beauty essence that does not generate waste, similar to soap. There are few things to throw away, and it is hygienic and safe to use. It refills only the refill and the bottle can be used any number of times, resulting in a very simple shape. Not only the surface beauty, but also the value that is not weathered. That's the simplicity we asked for.

<Simple method>

Eliminate waste. At the same time, it's about figuring out what you really need.Looking back at the world of skin care, while the world is evolving, the number of items is still increasing rather than decreasing. Do you really need XNUMX or XNUMX items? We have come to the answer that all that really needs for skin care is “washing” and “moisturizing”.